
Digitally-controlled full-analog granular + multimode VCF
  • Unique concept of granular VCF
  • 100% analog audio path
  • Two simultaneous filter flows, Granular VCF and Multimode VCF, with separate outputs
  • Mixing of both filter’s output to a dedicated out
  • Phase inversion switching between the two filters
  • Shared frequency and resonance controls
  • Multimode filter with various types and poles
  • Self-resonance capability
  • Granular filter with unique controls:
    • Structure selection from a predefined list
    • Division to extend the grains length
    • Phase setting of the cycling point
    • Tracking and offset tuning of the cycles
  • Detect input for cycling unrelated to audio input
  • 7 CV inputs to control all settings
  • Current settings maintained over power cycle
  • Firmware update via a simple audio file
  • Eloxal printed aluminium (silver panel)
    or bath anodized brushed aluminium (black panel)
  • Compact and skiff-friendly module

The Grainity brings a unique and never-heard-before concept to the world of analog VCF.
While being based on analog filtering only, the Grainity expands and enriches the sound in creating subharmonics, harmonies, unison, flanging effects and formant filtering all at once.

The module presents two sections, the granular filter itself and a typical multimode filter, each with its own output.
A third output offers a mix of both filter paths. Numerous controls and CV allow a very wide palette of results.

Conceptual flow diagram


Dimensions mm inches Eurorack
Height 128.40 5.06 3HE
Width 50.06 1.99 10HP
Depth behind panel
(without supply cable)
21.00 0.83


Supply rail Current draw
+12V 101mA
-12V 59mA
+5V 0mA

What is the Grainity


The word granular was chosen for this filter module in relation to the concept invented by the composer Yannis Xenakis, and which is described as assembling small chops of sounds - he called grains - according to a pattern.
This is exactly what the Grainity does, no more no less ... but, digital control allows doing it in ways that are decades away from what tape and scissors allowed at the time.

Technology wise ...

In the granular section, the incoming sound cycle is determined in order to step through various filtering and phase variations of itself according to predefined patterns called structures.
The controls allow alterations to the cycling phase, cycling frequency offset (tuning), structure selection and frequency division of the filters cycling. This comes in addition to the usual filter frequency and resonance controls.

What the Grainity is not

Technology wise ...

Despite relying on a microprocessor, the Grainity is not a digital audio processor. At any time, the sound remains in the analog domain and goes through analog circuits from in to out.
The digital processor does not convert or generate audio signals; it is there to control the analog circuitry and manage the interface and display.

Sound wise ...

Several digital modules offering granular processing rely on the layering of sound grains, which leads to blurry and cloudy textures.
Layering of the grains is a late addition to the concept of granular synthesis and is not a mandatory feature of the concept.
The Grainity does not use delay lines or sampling memory but is nevertheless true to the foundations of the granular synthesis concept.

The granular VCF in the Grainity is unconventional in that, most of times, it is not filtering the sound in the common expectation of removing something. Typically, the granular process adds more than it removes by expanding both the lower range, creating subharmonics, and the upper harmonic contents in multiples ways.

This was one of the most interesting modules I saw at Superbooth last year.
Congratulations on getting it to production!
Sounds unique and awesome, well done!
This sounded insanely awesome at superbooth 🔥🔥
This filter is gold if you trend towards West Coast patching styles.
My 20+ LPG channel rig has a few filters... used usually as oscillators or LFOs.
Grainity is fun no matter the patch style.
It can hit into just F shit up in ways most filters wont.
This is a wild, wild, contraption.
It's almost a complete voice: You can put a pitch in the V/O and Gate the Q, then take the Mix O into the Input and filter the G VFC Out to a mixer.
The responses to different inputs is just unpredictably wide, odd and fun.
... I actually like the name because it sounds like gravity, and this 10hp is expansive and mighty.
Also, It does weird things to modulation sources.
Also, this has an actual printed manual. Like a fancy pedal company -- it's thick!
As a pinger, it's solid and trusty -- very accurate, and you get different tones with all the filter flavors.
Whoa that sounds crazy. I gotta get one of these.
Lots to sequence / modulate to create movement for a filter. It's all sounding honestly better than expectations.
... I am pleasantly surprised tho by the musicality.
I half expected some disappointment but it really sings!
Adds cool texture to things. Lots of fun.
So worth the wait, love it !!!!!


Full explanation with nice sound examples
by Monotrail

Four sweet spots - no commenting
by Audiorial

A different view ending up musically
by Whales Have Teeth

A little demo where the melody CV acts on the overall filters' frequency

Inspiration technology to let you create the difference
Klavis Modular Systems
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